My Courses

I have developed a number of blockchain and cybersecurity courses, designed for both live and on-demand offerings.

I have created several courses for the Infosec Institute, hosted on their Infosec Skills Platform:

A few cyber ranges are also hosted on Infosec Skills:

Infosec Skills is a subscription-based platform. To get 50% off your first payment (monthly or annual), use the code poston50

EC-Council has launched a platform called Code Red for cybersecurity training. I have a few courses on the platform focused on secure development:

Eduonix is a training organization that provides courses on a wide variety of topics. I have contributed a few courses to their platform:

101 Blockchains is an enterprise-focused blockchains training and certification provider. I developed and taught 101Blockchain’s Certified Blockchain Security Expert course and certification.

The Blockchain Academy provides blockchain education via accredited colleges and universities. My courses on the platform include:

Coinifide is a blockchain education provider. I developed their Blockchain for Cybersecurity course, which will be available through Wiley.

Blockchain Training Alliance provides live and online training on several blockchain topics. I developed their Certified Blockchain Security Professional (CBSP) course and recorded the On-Demand offering.